Salvaging Lost Reputation
Not very uncommon to me and to my friends, is my great capability of playing down my abilities. Showing me as a supremely stupid individual, it is a hall mark of Totti, the goofer attitude. A few things about myself ought to set this record straight. My jokes are so deep in meaning, that most of the times i have to explain them in great details. Unfortunately, this is in violation with the sixth PJ commandement, "Thou Shalt not explain thy PJs!". I was voted the most intelligent Metallurgist in the past 50 years of the meta dept (my undergrad dept.). Some people say that this is self-proclaimed and has no solid proof. Ignorance is bliss. It is true that most of the times, i project an image of substandard intellectual capability, but if you look hard enough you would see a bright halo around my head. For those who are not aware of the significane of a bright halo around someone's head, i would like to point out some strong examples from History/Mythology. Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna and many others used to don this kind of thing. It is mark of great wisdom, power and compassion! So, people and friends, all i have to say is know your friend for he is wise, powerful and smart.
Yup rite u do have a halo which has been ripped time and again by super intelligent life forms who come down to Earth to keep your burgeoning intellectual capability in check and stalk u at railway stations. For details refer to ur last post.
Yeah Totti .. I understand. Again, the symptoms you are showing are signs of sub-zero IQs.
I dont mean to flatter u Totti, but I have actually been observing the halo around ur head for sometime. I never told this to anyone for the fear of being ridiculed...
However I have realised that the Halo is actually being caused by reflection of light from bald patches on ur head
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