Tuesday, June 21, 2005

And miles to go before i sleep...

During JEE days, Fiit jee guys used to send us brochures and stuff with some "inspirational stuff" written on it.This was one of them. Anyway, this weekend a bunch of us went to catch the movie Anniyan. Worthless for the movie but the trip felt good. The atmosphere at the movie sucked. I expected more from Tams. It was a little disappointing to see that there were no loud booing when the projection guy did not get both the audio and video in sync. Mine was one of the loudest whistles!! and that speaks volumes about the insipid crowd that filled up the theatre. No dances to songs.No front benchers to make comments and no such country stuff. What is a movie without all the fan fare?? The next day, we went to New York. It was good fun. Met the lady at Liberty.First time. Did not get too close. Free ferries don't get you that far/close. Visited the usual places one visits when one is in NY. Wall Street, Central Park, Lexington,T-Square, half a broad-way and then the streets on NY! On the way back, my bus broke down and a dreary wait at Blommsburg!! I fully appreciate that shiva bought a car! way to go Shiva! While going to NJ, some excellent drive, navigational goofs saw us reaching NJ in twice the time it usually takes.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Compulsive Spammer

A compulsive spammer is one who spams his own mail box:p

Excellent Read


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

First Journal paper

My first journal paper got accepted today.Elated

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Kevin Sites Blog

Going through Kuro5hin, went into this guy's site. A CNN reporter in Turkey.He was working on the Iraq war. Some huge controversy, when he started blogging.And even larger debate, when he stopped!

Kevin Sites Blog
The blog controversy Story

Order within disorder

If you are half as smart as I, then you probably would have made a few of your own observations about life. Let me try and override some of your morbidly lame and highly inaccurate ideas with my incisive and refreshing ones. Thinking about life in general, is a favorite pastime of mine.Thinking about its specificity is what follows. As human beings, most of us are distrubed by change and randomness.Intelligence levels manifest in resolving this apparent chaos into patterns. Many times, after making a blunder, you swear "Not again!". That is pattern recognition, in its crudest form. As a conscious being, we always try to classify things into some pattern or not. Incapability of doing so leaves you a confused mass. You will never learn from your mistakes. Stuck in an endless loop of follies, you probably would'nt even realise what the hell is going on. Now, last summer i took a course in summer in Bio.And, we all know where it all lead. This time, i have'nt taken a single course( in 2005).Life is peaceful. Eerily peaceful. Trying to classify everything is a folly too. There should be a class which you should be unclassified. Things which can lead to improvisation. Without occasional oxygen of new mistakes, you will be stuck in a state which can only be best described as bordering perpetual boredom.

Astrology, i think, has it roots in such tendencies to classification. People obsessed with classifying things started looking for reasons to attribute to disturbances in life. They were a bunch of people who came up with the most lame excuses, ever. Like, "Hey. Why did you turn up late for the meeting". They would say,"Oh, jupiter and saturn were in the wrong places and so we thought we should skip the meeting". When in reality, there were probably watching some dance program or better things in life than attending some vague meetings.Soon, this become a trend and people attributed things to poor planets. Some good, Most bad.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Gateway to information.

Finally, got my laptop. After a two week long wait. The sheer joy of such simple access to whatever i need made me look up : Who came up with the idea of portable computing. An interesting read.
Mobile Magazine: The Birth of the Notebook: "about "

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Sneak Peek into the Future

Thinking about future is the favorite pastime of many people, esp grad students. I started thinking about people who can see future. Not their future as in career wise. But, can anyone really get a glimpse of the future. The best thing about life is its unpredicitability. It is a very intersting thing. The question is : Do you want the gift of foreseeing the future? As with all powers, this has both a good side and a bad side. You will know everything!! Sometimes, you are probably better off not knowing everything. Apparently, Chitragupta ( the accountant for lord Yama) has a book with all the vital information. Nostradamus had predicted a lot of stuff too! I don't know how much of it is true.But, i would guess he would have made a lot of good ones.Why else will people remember someone for 400-500 years? Anyways, still thinking of some cool things which one can do with that power. One thing is for sure though, even if i had that power i would have lot of trouble convincing people that i can really see the future.
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