On the way home, i come across the urban waterfall. You know what i mean? Like you would be going on a gentle stream with trees on the sides and leaves floating on the side. And, suddenly, you come across a mighty, surging waterfall. The equivalent of a calm, quiet street leading to a heavy traffic one :p. Allow me to make up a story here. Part of it is truth and part of it fiction. So, as i was biking across from the gentle to the rougher side, i see the light go from green to orange. Under the delusion of being a superman, i pump extra enthu into biking and try to get across before the signal changes its mind. However, the way destiny has it, i was caught with my pants half-down (Its an expression). I brake hard (with both hands) and am caught between two eager soccer moms going opposite directions. A stunt i learnt as a kid came in handy to save my dear life.I jump and stand on the bike. One leg on the handle, one on the seat and balance for a brief nanosecond. I grab the pole to my right, let go off my bike, twirl and land in rajnikanth style. Only to find the cycle crash land on me in south park style. Kenny dies :)
Outside the hospital was a sign, "If you don't find this funny, you are really sick!". Hee Hee Hee
Outside the hospital was a sign, "If you don't find this funny, you are really sick!". Hee Hee Hee