Monday, October 23, 2006

Abba please

The other day on TV, i heard this statement. "You love me. Since, i am a bundle of contradictions". It is a sensational statement. It is being bold about your weakness. If you feel around a little with the thought process, you would see some characteristic traits that do not go with others. Someone was telling me the other day, you can't be angry if you are lazy. Very true. I wonder if you can be an optimist, if you are an introvert.

Another sentence which is a contradiction in itself is "Familiarity breeds contempt". So true, a number of desist posts have been around ( Shifty seats, sweaty palms?). You don't have to look far for contradictions though. How many non-desi blogs do you visit? in terms of non-technical stuff i.e. for general browsing. I bet it is a very high percent. At some level, we feel comfortable and be able to associate with the content. Familiarity brings contempt and content.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Feeling a little chilly, i set aside my laptop to turn up the heater a teeny higher. Rubbing my palms to generate that extra ounce of heat, i slowly stretched myself and walked towards the dusty glass door facing the lawn. A lush green lawn,a slow slope with trees sprinkled randomly, awaits my gaze.The stunning fall colors in the making.Far on the right lies an empty basketball court. Three squirrels are playing cutely. One in each corner. I never knew they were so active all through. Occasionally, they would pause and see what the other guys are upto and then go back to playing. Each passing moment and they unfurl a new trick. In the background, a pakistani band is zipping up another pseud number. My thoughts, inevitably, move towards evolution. An elegance that took a million years to manufacture. A few minutes suffice to appreciate, a lifetime amounts to zilch to comprehend.

Friday, October 13, 2006


As i typed in the url for blogger, the familiar saline tinge nestled on my tongue. The rush of blood pounding the temples as i keyed in the blogger password. Retrieving the pass-word from the hazy layers of memory, i once thought lost forever. Hee hee, i am a reasonable fan of the geico ADs.

In the next few minutes, i want to unload a few things onto your plate. A couple of weeks ago, i was in a passing discussion and i was intrigued by a word that popped out of it : Passive aggression. What a remarkable handle. Another is ADD. A scientific way to judge people.Or an innovative set of excuses.

"Why don't you organize the tournament totti?"
"I really can't focus, i have ADD. Also, i am PA so i find it demeaning to do such things" :p. Speaking of ADs and ADDs, this would be just like your "Chew it over Twix" kind of thing. Add hypocrisy into the mix and you get the complete man.

A tangential question on the same topic. Lets say if you could be invisible for a day (no more, may be a little less), what would you do. Killing, hitting me are most straightfoward answers.So, spare them. What else?
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