Abba please
The other day on TV, i heard this statement. "You love me. Since, i am a bundle of contradictions". It is a sensational statement. It is being bold about your weakness. If you feel around a little with the thought process, you would see some characteristic traits that do not go with others. Someone was telling me the other day, you can't be angry if you are lazy. Very true. I wonder if you can be an optimist, if you are an introvert.
Another sentence which is a contradiction in itself is "Familiarity breeds contempt". So true, a number of desist posts have been around ( Shifty seats, sweaty palms?). You don't have to look far for contradictions though. How many non-desi blogs do you visit? in terms of non-technical stuff i.e. for general browsing. I bet it is a very high percent. At some level, we feel comfortable and be able to associate with the content. Familiarity brings contempt and content.
Another sentence which is a contradiction in itself is "Familiarity breeds contempt". So true, a number of desist posts have been around ( Shifty seats, sweaty palms?). You don't have to look far for contradictions though. How many non-desi blogs do you visit? in terms of non-technical stuff i.e. for general browsing. I bet it is a very high percent. At some level, we feel comfortable and be able to associate with the content. Familiarity brings contempt and content.