Thursday, May 26, 2005

Name of the book?

A few years back, i happened to hear this story from one of my friends. It was about this land of storks(or some bird like that). One of these birds was a bit different from others.It would always yearn to do something different.Like try new tricks of flying, fly faster than the rest, fly inches from the water and other cool things.The rest of the community started avoiding this stork because of its "Weirdness". So, this lone stork started to fly faster and faster. One day it was flying at breathtaking pace and suddenly it saw two very swift storks on its sides. One of them said,"We have come to take you to our land". Do any of you guys know, which is this book? It is supposedly a very famous book.Google hasnt developed a context based search yet!


Blogger Point 5 said...

...Actually I wrote that book....but I forgot the name...lemme contact my publisher on South Pole and ask him abt it...

10:44 AM  
Blogger Rohan Kumar said...

Totti i hope u dont mean the ones in which Rajni flips a smoke from behind his back over his head straight into his mouth or the ones in which he knocks the goonies over by reloadin his gun catching a bullet fired by one of the villans :). btw if u havent noticed i gave controls to the viewer on the music playing in the background on my site.

12:12 PM  
Blogger No one said...

Totti .. its not a stork. I guess you were looking for "Jonathan Livingston Seagull".

2:45 AM  
Blogger totti said...

thanks ra..don

8:33 AM  
Blogger Kanthi Kiran said...

hey anna .... i changed my blog is ...

3:39 AM  

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