Monday, July 25, 2005

Phony confession

He was cheating on her. Part of me wanted to tell her how that shameless ass was not only cheating her, he would also boast about it to his "trusted" friend (that's me). If only, i could tell her. I know she would never take my word for me. She is too innocent and he is too good an actor.

One day, i was talking to him on the phone. Two minutes into the conversation, he started ranting about his conquests. In a moment of clarity, it struck me. I silently called my voice box. At the end of it, i had about 2 minutes of confession from his own filthy mouth. Sufficient.


Blogger Rohan Kumar said...

It wasnt me :))

11:31 AM  
Blogger totti said...

You are not the only who can trick me with cell phone thing!! think twice before you do such things..and think twice before telling people like me such things :-)

12:06 PM  
Blogger Point 5 said...

what r u guys talking abt ?

10:35 PM  
Blogger Point 5 said...

Totti and read the blog *LOL* on Prem Panickers talks about Bajji's's very humorous

10:41 PM  
Blogger M (tread softly upon) said...

I don't know if you were writing this in earnest or not. However things like this do happen and I think people should not get away with things like that. I had a similar experience when my friends "boyfriend" started hitting on me and I wanted to tell her but was so ashamed to because the situation felt sticky. Not only was I upset that this so called "friend" was hitting on me, to top it his girlfriend was my closest pal and third I was seeing a guy who was his best pal. Real weird, huh? Well I did tell her and she broke up with him, which made me feel even more guilty. Anyway to cut a long story short they rediscovered love and got back together, hopefully for the better!

11:11 AM  
Blogger totti said...

@m .. that really sucks that your best friend's boy friend was trying to hit on you..what i wrote was just mindless drible for me. reminds me of an episode on friends where rachel's boyfriend hits on phoebe. Shady..very shady

1:11 PM  

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