Friday, July 15, 2005

Celeb Euphoria

Is there anyway you can behave "normally" around a celebrity or a sports star. Normalcy gets undefined when you are around a celeb, i guess. Some people go into fits ( signs of hero worship) and go, "Oh my god! Oh my god! is it him? is it totti?". Some people put on a cool demeanor. A little too cool. A look of total disdain. A look as if it happens routinely. A look as if they meet this person on a regular basis. Once at iit, the indian cricket team had come to play at Chemplast. Ofcoursee junta landed up to watch them. And then there was Sachin!!!! i think that was the only occassion i was being stupid. I did'nt get his autograph, though he was right there.I don't know why i didnt get his autograph :(. I repent and resent that attitude of mine. Many of my friends had intersting celeb experience. There was this guy who was a gult hero fan. He went to watch that hero's movie and guess who was sitting next to him. The actor with his family. Not that the actor was some big shot or anything but still. Yesterday, i went to a potluck party and there was this dude who had shared a lunch booth with Agassi and Steffi Graf!!


Blogger janani said...

Oh yes I know this so-what-if-you-are-a-celeb attitude. :-) Probably the only time when I wouldn't keep this act up would be when I meet Kamal Hassan.

5:16 AM  

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