Typical Indian attitude towards girls
Yesterday, while playing cricket we had a guest. I think she was from chillar's lab. It is great that she showed so much enthu to come down to play with us.Our behavior though,was typical of indian guys towards females. Whenever she hit a shot (curiously she lofted almost every ball that shiva bowled to her), there was laughing from the audience. None of us even talked to her. We were all waiting to be introduced to her!! I guess if Mandy/Aatre were there, they would have gone and talked to her for sure.Anyways, there was a blog that pointy had sent me that a nice article on the typical indian attitude.Pointy, may be you can give that link somewhere??
I predict that pointy's next blog would be on his AID Conference which he is going to on this weekend. :p
What happened, finally? did you guys talk or not?
i never knew such things abt U
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