Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Time to go

I came to N-1 around nine months ago. Things have changed from time to time.The first thing i noticed about N-1 was its pathetic state of cleanliness. These guys obviously don't believe in clean and healthy environment. Anyways, a bunch of indians mostly from the southern region. The past few months have been calm enough, normal as one would expect. Occasional outbursts here and there. Overall, nothing dramatic. Most of the evenings, i spend with these guys. Telling them different stories. I have a surprising number of stories to tell. Lots of jokes too! Some sense of humor these guys have. Funny part is i have begun to tell jokes in their native tongue. Must have picked it over the course of the stay. What surprises me is their capability of listening to the same jokes over and over again. Take totti for example, i would have told him jokes about this six friends like a thousand times. He keeps laughing at all of them. Sometimes, i see him mouth words with me!!! Get a life! Then, there are Tams. GOD! Like a zillion times, i would have told them the same jokes! and yet they laugh like they have heard it for the first time in their lives. Overall, life at N-1 has been enriching to say the least. Part of learning new languages, new jokes, new cultures is kind of fun. And, now it is time to go.


Blogger Point 5 said...

Machan who wrote this blog..is it written by HP ?

7:32 PM  
Blogger totti said...

its our TV :)

8:39 PM  
Blogger Rohan Kumar said...

Isnt that a word by word ripoff of ur old blog, i wonder if pointy will coin that as pliagirazation too :)

9:27 PM  
Blogger Point 5 said...

Actually plagiarisation comes in a different form this time.....they saw a 27 inch flat screen TV at our house, and decided to buy the same..infact they bought it from Walmart....same store as....

the only difference is that the TV in N1 was used only to watch "Friends"

9:59 PM  
Blogger Anarkist said...

Talking about jokes, ek baar James Bond Agra jaata hai......
BTW, who/what the hell is TV?? It can't be the appliance, right?

7:51 AM  
Blogger totti said...

oops...i had this draft and i did'nt know i published it already :p..you got me!n pointy will have a field day on this blatant mistake..so pointy screw you!!

11:32 AM  
Blogger Anarkist said...

U realized it was a draft after you had yourself commented on it? Praaji, tussi Mahaan ho.

1:45 PM  

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