What i think about you!
With a big smile on my face, i was trotting down College Avenue. It has been an awesome day, could'nt ask for more. I waited at the intersection for the green signal from the traffic gods.My cell started buzzing.I flipped it open to see."Shit!it's that f'er.Goddamm it.I will not let him ruin my day today!.". I flipped the phone close.Let him leave a voice message, i think. It is one of those moments, the light turns green and my face goes red. On the other end of the lane, he comes walking shaking his head.
I guess ur run ins with ur Prof continue ;)
you see that's where you shall learn things from amroos... Unless your relations with your prof are as cool as mine, (with prof calling me and putting fundaes on Cal driving), NEVER give ur cell phone number to him....
Anyways I still dont believe that it was ur prof... My first impression was "mudit"
lol! Thanks for the early morn laugh! :-)
...sad finish to the story...
...but I should have picked up the phone, cause that might have been the last time I could have spoken to him, as he got run over by the 18 wheeler while crossing the street to greet me........
@sus - your initial impression were very similar to mine.This did'nt happen! And, my prof would'nt have shaken his head.He would shaken me by my neck.
@janani - thanks for the early morning compliment :)
@pointy - you satanic fella.There is no end to your devilish intentions. Do you drive your mustang just to run over people.
How about the NZ vs Zim macth. n-th order rape.They shattered all records.
Yeah me too just never pick up my cell phone...... hate it when people persistently call while i am sleeping.
My friends tell me that Its kinda disrescpecting when i never pick up theri call my explanation what the heck its my cell phone and I will use it at my convinience :))
Thanks for dropping by and for the enormous no of comments:) fells goodto see people takinga second look at my blog :)
@Viewer - you had nice stories on your scribble pad. Picture and related story.Good idea.i will try it sometime too
sport blog idea is not bad....but I cant commit to contributing articles....will write whenever I get time
@point: well I think the PJ group is turning out to be a flop!!!
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