Thursday, April 05, 2007


Today morning, i woke up to see the depressing flurries again. I slunk back into the covers and slept a couple of more hours. I remember not too long ago, i was walking up beaver street. It looked like Spring had finally arrived. For once, the backpack felt light and my steps even lighter. I stopped near the traffic signal listening to the lovely bird sounds. Only to realize that the sounds were from some machine on the traffic light. A few frames later, i heard similar sounds and looked up. To my dismay, it was from a couple of birds. And then the machine again. I was totally confused and finally realization dawned on me. The birds thought the machine was some kind of bird because it was emitting similar sounds.

Anyway, i haven't seen a single desi character eating salad for a lunch here at penn state. The emphasis is on I have not. I believe that chinese are similar to us in their extraordinary love for their cuisine. So, i was kind of surprised to see a chinese student having salad for lunch. Probably that will be the closest, i would ever come to see a desi thulping salad. I used to have salad at Intel, but thats a different thing. A good discussion point is how food relates to the culture of your place. I have a vague inkling but nothing concrete to bring out a nuanced discussion :). Four years at penn state, i have tried making the dish which is the title of this post. And, i have cupped miserably and spectacularly. Finally, i was able to conjure this very simple dish after elaborate discussions with the head chef(my mom). This post is getting too big. I had one last point. We were grading an exam the other day and after a few hours, one of the profs remarks, "This is a blood bath. It makes Passion look like a tea party. Mel Gibson should be filming this". :D

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Blogger totti said...

The first story is half made up :).. i know you figured that by now.

9:49 PM  
Blogger wagla_aka_batman said...

vague.. vague..seriously, what was the pt of the first para? Is this pitla made with besan? Ghats have this too. If you did succeed, let me know and i shall come verify it the next time.

Mel Gibson fan club.. Eric speaking.

8:17 AM  
Blogger Rohan Kumar said...

Its odd to see ppl still trying to make sense of your posts, you would think they would have it all figured by now :) Its not just desis salads are a waste of time and money period (anyways desis arent the sorts to go on diet conscious salad eating habits)

PS Take my advice and leave all the cooking to balls

9:47 AM  
Blogger Kanthi Kiran said...

hehe .. head chef .. muhaha :D

3:12 AM  

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